Meet the Production Team

Presenter: Austin Community College Dance Department

  • Bloggers: Roxy Gage
  • Artistic Directors: Melissa Sanderson & Darla Johnson
  • Showcase Producer: Catherine Solaas 
  • Marketing Director: Catherine Solaas 
  • Show Card Designer: Catherine Solaas
  • Social Media AdministratorsFacebook and Instagram - Roxanne Gage, Catherine Solaas, Melissa Sanderson, Darla Johnson (Production team assistance with marketing, blog articles, photos, videos, and individual interviews)
  • Technical Production Manager: Roxy Gage
  • Lighting Designer- Channing Schreyer
  • Light Board - Cicely Hall
  • Sound  Operator- Jun Shen
  • Projection Operator - Jun Shen
  • Stage manager - Nathalia Caetano de Souza Machado
  • Asst. Stage Manager - Cassandra Lankford
  • Box Office - ACC Dance Faculty 
  • House Manager - Isabella Melendez
  • Backstage Crew - Victoria Garcia, Brianna Kunkel, Maria Anez


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