Interview with Choreographer LaTiya Smith

Interview with Choreographer LaTiya Smith

Q. What has inspired you to dance/why did you want to take the class? 
Since I was a baby I've always been a busy body.  I've been dancing since I was 7 and I've been in love with it since the first time I stepped on a dance floor.  Dance has been a constant in my life and I don't know where I'd be without it.  My little sister passed away in 2015 and without the love of dance, the ACC dance department, and Darla Johnson I wouldn't have survived.  So I'm in this class now because any opportunity to work with Darla is always a blessing. 

Q. What do you want your piece to say and what do you want to the audience to feel? 
The strength and beauty of camaraderie. 

Q. How do you feel about choreographic composition? 
I enjoyed the process of being able to work with two strong men. They helped inspire and encourage me. 

Q. What was your decision making process behind the music? 
I choose this music because i feel it supported the feeling and the power of the movement. I came up with the movement first and found the music second. 

Q. Did you decide props and if so what was the reasoning behind it? 
I didn't feel like I needed props for this piece, I believe the movement spoke for itself. 

Q. What is the background of your dance? 
The common bond between friends. And recognizing the balance strength and beauty.  

Q.  Who is your mentor/dance inspiration? 
I've been inspired by many people in my professional career. My very first dance teacher at ACC was roxxanne Gage. She confirmed my passion for dance by showing her love of teaching. Catherine Solaas showed me how compassion can inspire movement organically. And Darla Johnson has nurtured my spirit in some of my lowest points in life to help me become who I am today. I'm so thankful to them all. 


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