Interview with Choreographer D'Morea Acheka

This is Ann Powell and I'm interviewing D'mo Acheka, major in Dance at ACC.

Ann: D'mo, how did you get started in dance?

D'mo: Well, in high school my senior year I started doing it just because my friends were doing it.  And then I stopped after high school because I was focusing on work.  Then I didn't start back until I got here, and I've been here for a year now.

A: Who or what have been your major influences?

D: One of my favorite dancers is Karen Chuang.  She's a part of Entity Dance Company in Los Angeles. And the head of that dance company is Marissa Osato and Will Johnston and they are beasts. I love them!

A: What is your current favorite dance form?

D: The Modern Dance.  (laughter)

A: Has this changed, over the years?

D: Well, when I didn't know much, I was always like "Contemporary!" But I like modern more. For me it goes from the body and comes from whatever I'm feeling. Versus contemporary- it's still technique-y. I don't too much care about technical things.

A: Are you a dance major?

D: I am a dance major.

A: When do you anticipate graduating?

D: I do not anticipate graduating. I don't want to take basics just because I know I won't need them. I want to dance for the rest of my life.

A: How do you balance various parts of your life? I know that you work, and you take classes, and you have friends and family. How do you balance all of this?

D: I am currently still trying to figure that out. (laughter) I work. Everyday that I'm not here, I'm working. And when I'm not working, I'm here. So I don't really have time for friends, and I haven't seen my family since Thanksgiving. I'm trying to learn how to balance all of those at the same time but it's not really working right now.

A: What do you see as your future in dance? You want to dance forever?

D: I eventually want to join a dance company in either Chicago or San Francisco. And then, once I am retired, I want to open up a studio and teach and then inside that studio, still have a company.

A: You recently attended ACDA. Other than the ACC pieces, which included your own choreography, which dances were some of your favorites that were presented there?

D: There was a piece put on stage by TCU with all men. My favorite piece! Hands down, my favorite piece. It was just amazing. Four men. And there was the spoken work piece, which I loved and really connected to it. Those were my favorite pieces.

A: What is something unique about you that you'd like others to know about you?

D:  I don't know! Something unique?

A: Or just something that you would like others to know about you?

D: I love dancing and I love music and putting those together makes me happy.


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