Interview with Choreographer Nikki Johnston

Are you a dance major/ what is your major?

I was a dance student and major at ACC and Texas State from 2001-2009 and studied choreography with Darla Johnson during those years as well. I eventually went down a different path and am now a Massage Therapist. I missed my time here and after 10 years decided to come back. ACC feels like home to me.

What do you plan to do with your dance knowledge?

I would like to continue choreographing and collaborating with other artists and mediums any chance I can get. My next idea is to create a piece performed and shot on the Austin Boardwalk

What got you into dance and why do you continue to dance?

I have always connected to the idea  of movement as a form of communication. I have danced since a young age and was part of the Dance Team in school. I quickly knew that I wanted to continue to dance through college and beyond.

What is your favorite style to choreograph and perform?

I am most drawn to modern/contemporary style. I feel it allows the most room for expression.

What do you enjoy most about dancing at ACC?

First and foremost, the incredible teachers. Darla has been one of the biggest role models in my adult life. I'm incredibly appreciative to be back and continue to be inspired. Second, the amazing Dancers. We have a fabulous group of people this semester. I love how much we encourage and support one another. It's a healing process.

Do you prefer choreographing or performing? Why?

It's hard to pick but I would have to say that I enjoy the creative process of being a choreographer a bit more.

Do you have a specific choreographic process?

I usually have one strong idea and build from that. I like to use words such as poetry to inspire movement phrases. Work shopping and improving with my dancers usually fuels my work as well.

What was your inspiration for your piece in the showcase?

I was inspired by the vastness of space. I wanted the idea of a journey through space and  finding whatever our version of a guiding light is to guide us to feel more free and break the repetitive patterns our minds construct for us at times. I made this Dance partly in honor of one of my closest friends who recently took her life. My journey since her passing brought me back here to ACC. She is a radiant light that continually guides me and helps me to discover new things about myself. Coming back to my choreographic roots has been incredibly helpful in the healing process.


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