Choreogrpher AMY LOWREY Presents: Stay Home

                                        Stay Home, choreographed and performed by Amy Lowrey, hits on the tension we've all experienced when life presents us the exciting desire to leave the home we grew up in, forcing us to say goodbye to family and comforts so familiar.

Lowrey, from a small town in Louisiana, practices choreography, performs as a jazz singer, dances, and is a loving mom. From a young age her interest in all things dance-related drew her to color guard and to be part of dance recitals. Lowrey explains that dance instructors would often not be able to stay a full season in her hometown, leaving students yearning to actually perform in a recital.
Now in Austin, Lowrey decided to connect with ACC because of the college's ability to house so many of her dance heroes. She's now taken several of the dance courses offered by the ACC dance department, through which she has carefully captured her art under the spotlight of dance, movement, music, and story-telling. 
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