Interview with Choreographer Danielle Bogle

Danielle "Dani"  Bogle has been an ACC Dance Major for the past year. Her goal is to transfer and receive her bachelor’s in Dance Choreography at TWU. She has been dancing since she was five and considers it to be intertwined with who she is.  Modern/contemporary has been her favorite style to choreograph because of two teachers who have impacted her dance life.  Lisa Nicks and Cherami Steadman helped push and support Dani to experiment with the abstract nature of modern. Cherami's work really influenced the formation of her style to the point where they have both borrowed moves from one another.
     For Dani, dance is a way for her to express herself freely. Sometimes she is shy but through dance, she can really be herself. She has an interest in psychology and her piece is "an interpretation of how anxiety develops, the different components of it, and what happens to a child when they don't know how to put it into words."  Her piece is titled, "Disquieted; echoed analysis".  It was premiered in the Fall on stage with the title of, “Disquieted” but has transitioned into a new title after being transformed into a film.  Dani said, “ This piece has been very personal and therapeutic for me.  My goal is to explain or connect to others who may not understand what it's like to have childhood anxiety or relate to my experience. Although the piece is not exactly the same as it would be live on a stage, I hope to invoke that same sense of understanding and reflection.”  Dani was challenged to not only translate an already choreographed dance to film but also work with six other dancers without in-person contact. It was a very daunting concept to her at first. Conveying what she needed from them and describing her vision was difficult at times because she could not physically demonstrate exactly what she was trying to express and often gave information through texting. She needed to Determine what phrases to keep, how to alter the timing, what ways the movement could be manipulated, etc…  Dani said, “It felt a lot like trying to choose a favorite child in a way because I'd become so attached to the piece as a whole and it was made in a certain way.” 


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