Brock Gayaut, is a dance major, who was born and raised in Austin, Texas. Brock’s goals after ACC are to attend the University of Texas and further his dance education so that he can teach and direct a dance program. The style of dance that has influenced him the most is ballet since it’s a style he is most familiar with. Some fun facts about Brock are that his favorite color is blue, and his favorite movie is Kill Bill. His favorite genre of music is both RnB and disco, and his favorite artist is Miss Erykah Badu. 

Brock’s piece is titled, “The Temple'', which is a reference to the human body. He has a fascination with ancient humans and finds it really powerful that humans that exist today are just part of a long lineage of humans that have adapted and advanced through time. He was inspired by the connection that ancient people had to their bodies, in a world far less complicated than the one right now. Ancient yogis developed ideas about the connection between our bodies, minds, and spirits that still makes sense to people thousands of years later, and he feels that both are important and really really cool. He enjoys working by himself sometimes but dancing in quarantine is something else. Something he would call frustrating. Albeit completely different from what dancers are used to doing. There are still interesting things that can come from having parameters to work around, like always being an arm's length away from a glass of water. He hopes his piece is calming, pretty to watch, and that it inspires people to be grateful for the gift that is their bodies. 


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