Nicole (Nikki) Johnston was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago. She moved to Austin, Texas 25 years ago. She was a dance major in the past while taking classes at both Texas State and Austin Community College back in 2001.  She has just recently come back to the ACC dance program for pure enjoyment. Dance has been a hobby she has loved all her life but she’d say it was during her years participating on the high school drill team when she officially began dancing. Nikki’s favorite dance styles are modern and improvisation and her true passion is creating choreography. 

In Darla’s dance piece titled, A Wild Love for the World, Nikki would like to leave the audience with the question, “How can we find balance and stay connected in a world filled with so much unbalance?”.  Her favorite part of the rehearsal and creation experience was finally connecting with other dancers after overcoming the obstacles that covid has put in front of us. It was also finding new connections with her own body which helped her overcome the challenges of unlearning old movement habits and commit to the new movement. Taking the Dance Performance Course with Darla Johnson has been a rewarding experience. 

Interview by Sarah Bello 


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