Alexis Andiola was raised in Midland, Texas. She is an ACC dance major whose favorite styles of dance are hip hop and modern. After ACC, Alexis plans to attend a university and study dance & drama. Her future dream job is to be able to tour with big artists and perform every night with them. She feels like she has a lot of work to do! 

While learning choreography in the Dance Performance course, Alexis felt like the group setting and environment were very insightful. The students enjoyed bouncing ideas off of each other to enhance their choreographed sections. She said, “It was so fun to witness the creativity in each dancer.” The most challenging part of the process for her was bringing the choreography from working online using Zoom to working in the studio together.  In the studio the students needed to be hyper-aware of each other's spacing, movement, energy, and timing which is so different from being online. She is so grateful that everyone has been super supportive, friendly, and able to collaborate together. 

Alexis feels like Darla’s Johnson’s piece, titled A Wild Love for the World consists of chaos, peace, and synchronicity, which are similar feelings that she experiences in her everyday life.  She feels like the piece has an underlying message of how delicate the earth can be and the responsibility we have in caring for it. Alexis says, “We live on a big beautiful planet filled with mystery & beauty, but we must learn to protect it.”

After watching this piece, she hopes that the audience feels connected emotionally to the choreography and understands where it stems from.  That the audience will have a sense of appreciation for planet Earth and an awareness of how lucky we are to be here experiencing it all.  She hopes that the audience will make a connection between each other and our planet Earth. Alexis says, “Although chaos ensues, we can always bring back the peace.”


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