Anel Denea Baeza is a dance major and performer in Darla’s newest piece, A Wild Love for the World.   When asked who her favorite artist was she responded, “Any dance artist that has performed and worked with other dancers on stage.” Because she loves dancing so much, she enjoys all types of dance styles.  Her current goals are to become stronger and more sophisticated with dance. She hopes to attend a rigorous and challenging university.  In that process, she would like to focus on a degree that involves health and math as well. Working with Darla Johnson and learning her choreography has involved many successes and challenges. Anel has learned to change her habits and has been able to express herself more openly.  She has also begun challenging herself so that she can break down her own insecurities and just let go! She says, “Darla’s piece gives her the opportunity to relate to her own personal being. A Wild Love for the World, and the term pendulation has made a strong impact on her life and has helped her understand why her surroundings cause her to react in certain ways”. Anel has been able to see another side of herself that is calm and focused while working on this piece.  Darla’s love for nature and our earth has given Anel a chance to see her own true being. Darla continues to encourage Anel to let go and never hold back on stage so that her inner self can shine brighter than ever!

Interview by Madison Rygaard


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