Lexi Mahone was born and raised in Red Oak Texas. She moved to Austin Texas after her senior year of high school. Lexi has always loved lyrical and contemporary styles of dance because of her appreciation for ballet technique. After her time at ACC, she plans to attend Texas State University and also plans to continue substitute teaching for dance studios. 

During this piece, “Why We Still Believe in Magic”, she enjoys bringing her visual stories to life with other artists through dance. She has enjoyed being surrounded and being able to work with the many amazing artists in this ACC Choreography/Composition class! It is so inspiring to be able to create with such talented individuals!

Lexi is receiving her Associate of Arts in Dance this Spring.  When asked what was the best part about being a dance major at ACC, she responded by saying,  "I have been with the ACC dance department for 4 years. These past few years have been amazing as a growing artist. The ACC dance department has given me the best experiences with the most amazing creators! I have taken and left with knowledge from all of the instructors in the ACC Dance Department but I have always loved Modern dance with Sunny and Choreography with Darla! Choreography has taught me how to be creative with the creation of a piece while Modern dance has also taught me how to shape that creativity with precision and technique."

Lexi shared her favorite memories with us by saying, "I have learned so much about the art of creating through dance here at ACC. I have been through 2 choreographers' showcases and those are by far my most favorite memories. The late-night tech weeks, the endless rehearsals, and the great friendships made along the way. Every time I am creating with my fellow dancers I always think “I am surrounded by pure talent.” This program is definitely filled with my favorite memories here in Austin, Texas.  I will cherish the ACC Dance Department and my instructors forever!"


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