Lexie Stewart was born and raised in Austin and went to school in Cedar Park. They have been part of Color Guard since seventh grade, so they have been dancing for quite some time now. They have always daydreamed about dancing as a profession, but it always seemed out of reach up until this past summer. Lexie was a student at UT Austin majoring in English and pursuing the UTeach certification. One day, they realized that they could be dancing if that’s what they really wanted to do, so they put their focus on dance. Lexie is unsure if they will return to UT in the future or if they will choose another school, or continue teaching color guard which is what they are currently doing. No matter what their future holds, as long as they are dancing, they will be happy.

Lexie and Toni’s piece, “H:ours,” uses a structure of accumulation that was innovated by dancers such as Trisha Brown. Her piece, “Accumulation,” from 1971, is a masterclass in the style. Lexie and their co-choreographer used this form lightly to set a tone throughout their piece.

Lexie says that “This dance was inspired by the idea of oil and water, like a lava lamp or other colorful, dynamic visuals where the contents never quite fully mix, but portray different shapes and relationships together.” Toni and Lexie’s choreography together, juxtaposed in various ways. As a lava lamp heats up, the motion inside becomes more tumultuous. When left to cool, it settles. They hope to demonstrate to the viewers that while they may never fully mix, or find cohesion, their coexistence is still worthwhile. Clashing or blending, the relationship still has beauty.

Lexie and Toni worked very well together as a choreographing duet. Much like their piece, whether their ideas are seamlessly similar or at odds, something is still being produced and it has worth.Their biggest challenge has been sickness. Lexie and Toni both became ill with Covid at different points, and they have had to miss their last couple of rehearsals, including tech week. Even though it has been hard for Lexie, they are still looking forward to performing with their peers.


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