M. Bullock is originally from San Antonio, they moved to Austin six years ago. M. is a dance major, but they have many passions and interests including classical art, music, and architecture. M. says that ballet has influenced them in many ways and motivated them to learn more about dance. They admire the challenges and discipline that those trained in ballet go through and they love the “precise, elongated, and delicate movements.” After graduating from ACC, they hope to transfer to a university and continue dancing. 

M.’s piece is titled, “thought, interrupted.” This piece focuses on overwhelming emotions and how people feel and repress them. They chose two dancers who had not had much interaction with each other in class. They also decided to present a challenge to them with movement that wouldn’t come naturally. M. found the process of choreographing to be challenging due to the amount of time they had. Getting feedback helped them figure out what they want and didn’t want in their piece, and it also allowed them to see a different perspective and feel more creative. They are very thankful for their dancers for being understanding and making rehearsals fun. After watching this piece, M. hopes the audience will self reflect on how they control their emotions and realize how it can affect people around them. 

Interview by Jasmin Rodriguez


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