Sam Mandelbaum started dancing in 2020. Coming from a theater background, he wanted to challenge himself and do the same class twice, to see what he could improve. He moved from San Antonio in 2020, then to Austin a little after that. Sam says that he would love to do dance workshops around the country at some point in the future.

He gets his inspiration from choreographer William Forsythe. The storyline of Sam’s piece, “Life, Time, Fitness,” is about working through feelings about fetal development and love of fetal life. Sam did not have the easiest time choreographing this piece, he constantly found himself struggling with patience for himself and others. He had to learn how to work with other people's schedules and most importantly, how each dancer moved.
Sam hopes the audience will feel grateful to have a body, to be able to move and to be able to have joy and lividity.

Interview by Rebecca Wood


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