Kory Fink is a freshman dance major at ACC and is still trying to make decisions and navigate her way through life. She was a member of the Dragon Pride Dance Company at Round Rock High School and has been dancing since she was four years old. She has always been into jazz and modern dance genres and feels like her style combines both. 

Kory was born and raised in Round Rock, Texas. She loves being creative! Whether it involves dance, journaling, photography, social media, and more. She is currently working on a plan for what she may want to do after ACC.  For now, she is just walking through life day by day.  She has always been into jazz and modern dance genres and feels like her style combines both. 

The title of her piece is “Organized Chaos”. She chose this title because her rehearsals seemed very chaotic but those were the days when they got the most done. She feels like it's the best way to describe her piece. So many factors went into play while creating this piece. All of them were added to the choreography process. She began developing her piece only knowing that she wanted a bench and 3 people who interacted with each other. The outcome was “Organized Chaos”.


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