Nikki Johnston has been dancing her whole life, but her formal training began at fifteen when she danced with her high school drill team. She continued her education as a dance major at both Texas State University and Austin Community College. When she took her first class at ACC in 2001 under the direction of Darla Johnson, she knew she had found her home and has continuously returned to take classes for the last 23 years. She finds solace, healing, and thrives from the community that she has built within the ACC dance department over the last 2 decades. She is passionate about improvisation and choreography and feels blessed to still be able to come to ACC to authentically express herself, her art, and experience the joy of movement. 

Her piece, “Lunar Echos,” is an expression of life, love, and the circular cycles we experience through time and space while on this Earth. It brings attention to the chaos and calm we experience throughout these cycles and how we always gravitate back to where we belong. 


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