Candy Morales is originally from Venezuela. She has recently earned her bachelor's degree from Austin Community College in both the Dance and Fashion Design Program. Dance is one of her many passions. In this passion, she uses it as a form of expression and a medium of creativity and vulnerability. 

'Digan lo que digan (Whatever they say)'

    Candy brings a piece that is connected to a sensation of drowning and hopelessness to a transition of being able to handle the “water” one is immersed in. Over time, the transition goes from rough to smoother and, as it does so, you can connect and hear other people’s calls as they are drowning in their “waters” through a beautiful sense of connection with others' vulnerability. That connection creates a community of support and love, where you can be yourself and be comfortable in your own skin. The celebration of this newfound confidence is brought in at the end of the piece with Tango.


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