Interview with Choreographer Prince(ss) Jenkins

What is your dance background and why did you start dancing?

I started dancing as early as I can remember. I was interested in all forms of artistic expression. My cousins and I would make up pieces to the R&B and hip-hop music of the time. We would create movement or plays or sing at family gatherings and church.  At age 8, my mother enrolled me briefly in tap, jazz, and Taekwondo. I did drill team and cheerleading in middle school, and color guard in high school. As an undergraduate, I participated in a few forms of movement, but I mostly stopped dancing and focused my creativity on my spiritual pursuits, writing, and some film. It wasn’t until I moved to Austin that I began to chase after dance. Here, I reawakened my dance interests with African Diaspora dance styles, ecstatic dance, and contact improv.

Are you a dance major? What are your future plans?

I am a continuing education student here at ACC, and I am currently taking four dance classes. In the fall, I’ll be attending Harvard Divinity School with the goal of becoming an Interfaith Chaplain. Initially, I’ll be aiming my ministry towards veterans, post-incarcerated populations, and creatives, and I intend to use dance improvisation and environmental sustainable projects as vehicles for connection and somatic wellness. I plan to always have movement in my life and I want to learn so many things. I want to explore movements through Tai Chi, Wushu, even Parkour, for the strength and agility and the connection to nature.

Tell me a little bit about your piece.

For my piece, I am excited for the audience to explore my curiosities around witness space with me. I'd like it to be received raw, with little description ahead of time, to encourage fresh reactions.

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