LaTiya Smith was born in Frankfurt, Germany,  lived in Eagle Mills, Arkansas until she was 5 years old, and then moved to Austin, Texas. She is a passionate dancer, who has been dancing since she was 7 years old.  LaTiya says, “Dance is the expression of my soul.”

After she receives her degree in Dance at ACC, her dream job is to become a dance teacher and share her love of dance with others.   Ballet is the dance style that influences her the most because it allows her body to ooze grace and strength from within. Working in the Dance Performance course with Darla Johnson and learning the choreography for, A Wild Love for the World has been interesting, cool, and sometimes challenging. She expressed that one of the challenges in working with a group of dancers is trying to get in sync with everyone with both movement and energy.  LaTiya says,  “ I want people to feel that we’re all in this thing called life together. We’re all on our own journey. There are moments when our paths overlap and intertwine and we should celebrate those moments and cherish them. Because despite how the world tries to challenge us, we made it, we’re here, we’re alive. We should make the most out of living while we still have the time”.

Interview by Candy Morales


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