Maria Victoria Anez Contreras, also known as Mavi, is a college student, a Montessori preschool teacher, and an aspiring dancer with dreams of making it big in the industry. Mavi is originally from Caracas, Venezuela. In 2016, she migrated with her family to the U.S. with the sole goal of finding success and making her family and country proud. She discovered her passion for dance very early in her life but didn’t professionally pursue it until she joined the ACC dance department in the fall of 2022. As Mavi continues to grow and develop as a performer, it has become important for her to highlight her roots and culture in all her creative work, as she is determined to honor her upbringing while displaying it with all its colors for the world to see.

'The Dual Of The Divine'

    This piece introduces the conflict of the self-present within the hearts and minds of women around the globe through allegories of spiritualism such as the divine feminine and the dark feminine. It’s a dive into the unrealistic expectations set by society upon the female population and its effect on the psyche, causing the alienation of two energies that are meant to balance one another, that are meant to be one whole.


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