Interview with Choreographer Stefanie Mier

Stefanie is an Art major with a focus on Illustration.  She was drawn to choreography because of her love of dancing.  She says it helps her face her fears and get a new perspective towards art in general.  As a self-taught mover, she believes most people are dancers regardless of whether or not they have taken formal lessons.  She loves to express herself artistically by blending dance and music.
    She will be performing in her piece at the Showcase with two additional movers with hopes to add a few more at the end.  The theme of the piece is inspired by seeing a vulture as she walked to school one day. She says that in the Mayan culture, of which she is a descendant, vultures represent the transformation of the human spirit and regeneration beyond death.  While it may have an underlying creepy vibe, her intention is to keep the mood ambiguous for individual interpretation by the audience.
    An artist to the core, the piece is set to instrumental music she composed and produced.  This will be the first time she presents an original piece to an audience.
     Her artistic passion lies in animation and multimedia.  She has found choreography and music composition to help expand her artistic abilities.
Favorite food: PB & J (strawberry jelly)
Food aversions: Any animal products
Hidden talents: Expert procrastinator


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