Choreographer Marques Deshawn Jackson. An interview

Marques Deshawn Jackson. (Picture coming soon)
21 years old. The middle brother of five siblings. Marques started dancing in middle school with body-popping movements. Marques explains that he feels alive, has special feelings, and is happiest when he dances. In other words, dancing is his passion. He remembers his first solo as his best experience.
Marques is now a Dance major at ACC, even though he started out as a pre-med student. He quickly changed to a Dance major to follow his passion. Nowadays, his favorite dance styles are hip-hop, contemporary, and ballet. 
Marques thinks that God gave him this talent as a gift, and he wants to become a choreographer and dance teacher to help more people. Moreover, his biggest dream is to be a dance professional on live TV.

interviewed by Anna Nunez Mejias


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