Candy Morales is an ACC Dance and Fashion major who was born in Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela. She has lived in Austin for six years and also lived in NYC for a brief 11 months.  Candy has been dancing socially all of her life and she loves all styles of dance. Candy had wanted to take a ballet class since she was a little girl and finally got the courage to take one when she attended ACC.  “I absolutely love it!” she said with a big smile on her face, “Dancing makes me feel alive!”. 

Candy loves every color of the spectrum and her favorite song is Chopin’s nocturne OP 9 as it allows her to focus best.  Her favorite musical is The Greatest Showman because it combines talent with humanity. 

The Choreographer’s Showcase will be Candy’s first dance performance and she is so excited to express a combination of modern and ballet movements onstage and on film as well.  The dance piece titled, A Wild Love for the World, is related to our world, nature and climate change. Dancing in this piece means so much to her because of her love for the world and it is a wonderful starting point in her dance journey. 

Interview by Toni Hammler


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