Candy Morales is an ACC Dance Major and also a Fashion Design Major. She is from Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela.  Modern dance has influenced and inspired her because it allows her more freedom to create unique and personal movements. She has enjoyed taking the ACC Choreography/Composition class this semester as other students were supportive during her difficult times. She was looking for something in her life that made her feel passionate and alive. Dance and Design have been just that for her. She has placed all of her energy into both and continues to find ways to keep them in her life. She looks forward to finding ways to work in the field of dance choreography and design.  She feels like she found her passions in life. Her dreams and ambitions have become the source that makes her heart beat, but like everything else in life even when something has your total heart there must be boundaries set in order for things to be sustainable. She hopes that the audience will connect with her emotions in her section of the piece and feel her performance. Candy says, “My emotions are a very important element in my performance.”



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